Jag fick precis reda på att min syssling i turkiet brukar kika in och läsa min blogg,,,eller ja kika han förstår aldrig vad jag skriver så saken är den nu att jag måste skriva lite på engelska med. Jag lovade honom att skriva allt på svenska först och sen summera alltihop på engelska....yikes!
Ok så då är det här inlägget tillängnat till Batu.
The days go on and on whit me sitting in my bed. This week has kind of been the worst in my life. The weather sucks and I dont have that mutch to do. I've been studying the driversmanual and been driving whit Kjell for some time now. It's relly time for me the try to get my license. I just rememberd when you where 16 and you drove me in central Akcay. Haha I started to panik, it's one thing to drive in the mainland but you relly knew how to drive and insisted to drive when it was rushhour in Akcay. Ohhh I just remeberd when youre chauffeur drove us around in Istanbul. And when we went to the relly old castle where that old sultan had lived. Do you remember the big fountan he had in the midle of the room. I mean, it was nearly an indoor pool! And the room hade to be beggier then youre countryestate! Any way, right now im so missing you and all the adventures we had in Turkey. I promise to come and visit soon, but first of all you have to come to sweden and visit me, I promise that you will have a lot of fun. Ok it's not like Istanbul and all the party's there, but I think you could have a good laugf when you se all the idiots in this town! :D So my sweet sweet cousin! I miss you and I hope to se you soon.
Så ja det var ju inte så farligt. Man fick ju faktist MVG i engelska ;D